
Details of my PRS guitar revealed!

I wanted to know details of my PRS guitar.

I used PRS Serial Number Search to know more about my PRS guitar.  If my memory does not deceive me, I bought the below PRS guitar at a guitar shop in Manhattan, NY in 1994. I paid about 2000 USD (?).

1994 CE 24

PRS Serial Number Search is here.

Unfortunately, I got no match. So I directly sent an inquiry mail to PRS Support. Then, today I finally got the result!

My guitar is: 1994 CE 24, figured maple top, bolt-on maple neck, rosewood fretboard, Vintage Sunburst finish with (most likely) HFS treble and Vintage bass pickups.

Currently, the market price in Japan is about 200, 000 JPY.

Even if you get no result, don't give up! My advice is that you take a few photos of your guitar and send them to PRS Support. Probably, they will let you know the details of your guitar. I took a few photos covering, a neck portion, a front portion, a back portion, and the back of the neck where the serial number is visible.

I love PRS guitars!

Happy picking!


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